
ManiaScript is a strongly typed language which means that every value has to be of a certain type and a value of different type will not be accepted in it's place.

Primitive Types

There are 9 different types in ManiaScript: Void, Integer, Real, Boolean, Text, Vec2, Vec3,Int3 and Ident.




Void is a type that means empty. You cannot create variables of that type, it is used to declare functions that returns nothing.




A Boolean variable can be either True or False.


Text represents a string of characters.





Ident is the type of an Id. Every class in ManiaScript has a unique Id property that can be used to identify it.

Lists and Arrays


A List is a type that can store multiple values. You can declare list by adding two square brackets after a type.

declare Integer[] MyList;

There are several basic functions to manipulate them, and you can access one element by its index. The indexes start at 0, so the first index is 0 and the last one is MyList.count-1. Accessing an invalid index will result in an Out of bounds error.

// Access an element
declare FirstElement = MyList[0];

// Basic functions
declare Size = MyList.count;
declare SortedList = MyList.sort();
declare ReversedList = MyList.sortreverse();
declare SortKeys = MyArray.sortkey();
declare ReversedKeys = MyArray.sortkeyreverse();

MyList.add(42);  // adds to last element
MyList.addfirst() // adds to first element
MyList.removekey(0); // Remove the element at the index 0

declare DoesExist1 = MyList.existskey(58); // equivalent to 0 <= 58 < MyList.count
declare DoesExist2 = MyList.exists(12);
declare Index = MyList.keyof(28); // such as List[Index] == 28


Declare Text json = MyList.tojson();
MyList.fromjson("{ "propery": "value"});



An array is similar to a list, except that you can specify a type for the index.

declare Text[Integer] MyArray;

The array above is not a list! There is no add function for arrays, instead you directly assign a value for the given key.

MyArray[1] = "One";

You can even nest them!

declare Text[Text][] UsersData;
UsersData = [
    [ "login" => "me",
      "name" => "still me"
    [ "login" => "you",
      "name" => "still you"
log(UsersData[0]["login"]); // prints "me"

API Arrays

access by Integer or Ident


#Struct MyStruct {
//      {Type} {propertyname};
    Integer MyMember;
    Text MyTextMember;

main() {
    declare MyStruct MyVar;
    // declare MyStruct MyVar = MyStruct{MyMember = 1, MyTextMember = "Example"};
    log(MyVar.MyMember); //Output : 0

    MyVar.MyMember = 1;
    log(MyVar.MyMember); //Output : 1

    declare MyStruct MyCopy = MyVar;
    log(MyCopy.MyMember); //Output : 1

    MyVar.MyMember = MyVar.MyMember + 1;

    log(MyVar.MyMember); //Output : 2
    log(MyCopy.MyMember); //Output : 1


Vectors are declared with pointing angles: declare Vec2 V = <1.0, 2.0>. Vector-elements can be accessed either with X, Y and Z (as V.Y) or like an array with the indices 0 to 2 (like V[1]) (depending on the vector having 2 or 3 elements). Vectors are initialized with the initial value for Integer or Real respectively, e.g. declare Vec3 V; log(V); will log as <0., 0., 0.>.

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